Science Resources
For anyone who wants more opportunities for experiential learning in biology (or STEM in general), here are some great resources we've compiled:
Please send us an email if you know of a great biology opportunity for students that we have not listed here.
Websites for Finding Science Research Programs
The Connectory
Science Buddies
Summer Research Opportunities for High School Studnets
Black Rock Forest Consortium Field Ecology Research Internship Program
Cold Spring Harbor Dolan DNA Learning Center Summer Science Camps
Hofstra University Science Summer Research Program
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program (HOPP) Summer Student Program
Museum Education and Employment Program at the American Museum of Natural History
NASA New York City Research Initiative (Summer Component)
Applied Research Innovation in Science & Engineering (ARISE)
The Rockefeller University Summer Science Outreach Program (SSRP)
New York City Science and Engineering Fair (NYSEF)
NYU Center for the Study of Asian Health
NYU Poly Center for K12 STEM Education
NYU Psychology Department
Roswell Park Cancer Institute Summer Research Program for High School Students
The Summer Science Program
SUNY Stony Brook Simons Summer Research Program
Research Opportunities During the School Year
Alley Pond Environmental Center Field Biology Internships
American Museum of Natural History Science Research Mentoring Program
Columbia University Science Honors Program
Coastal Studies for Girls
The New York Academy of Sciences– The Junior Academy
The Science Career Ladder
The Young Naturalist Awards